Saturday, July 7, 2012

*Love Rules*

Hey guyz!

Today I'm really proud to present you our next story called "Love Rules"! Also, as you may have guessed, I will not only write on Monday but on Thursday, too. You like my new banner? It's especially for the story!
So, I'm going to start the story right now and I want to hear your first opinions in comments!


                                                     Love Rules
                                                    By Fairydew

Rule No 1#: Never fall in love with someone too old for you.

That's right. Wondering what I mean with too old? Let me give you an example. MY OWN example.

Let's say that I, Rubin, like a boy 4 years older than me. And I like him VERY VERY much. And it doesn't feel right, because he just finished school. You see, there are many reasons why he is a bad idea. Firstly, I don't even know him. I bet he knows me from outside but we haven't met each other. Secondly, he could NEVER like me. Thirdly, having a crush that you won't ever have a chance will soon make you a little or maybe quite sad. And I don't want that.

And you can't be with someone too old for the following reason: You're not in the same phase with that someone. He have just finished school, while you still have some years there. He has enough experience with such things like love, when you still haven't. He does, needs and wants different things than you.

So you'd better like someone younger. 


You liked the beggining?
Tell me in comments!

See ya,
Fairydew xxx

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