Friday, July 20, 2012


Hey there(: My name is Jennie (MissElydia1999 on stardoll) and I am the newest writer for this blog. Once again thank you so much Ghadeer for letting me have this experience! I will be writing about the 'Must Have of The Week'. It will work like this: I will choose an item of clothing from the stardoll starplaza and you will create an outfit with the specific item in! You will post your entries in the comments by uploading to tinypic, ect. I will be posting every Wednesday so next week my post will include the winner from this week and that weeks task(: You have until Saturday to post your entry because I will then put your 'outfits' into a poll for people to vote in. The person who gets the most votes will, obviously, win! If you win you may get a gift or even a stardollar/starcoin reward! You can enter each competition every week even if you have already won one! I hope you understand! Onto this weeks 'task'! The specific item I want you to create an outfit with is: Glacial Guipure Cape from the new store Sea of Stars. Here is my outfit* to get you started:

I have went for a very classy look. The red box is just to clarify what the 'cape' looks like incase you dont know what I'm talking about! Remember to post by Saturday! Good luck xxx


*Do not copy my outfit!

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