Wednesday, July 25, 2012

*Be Suspicious*

Hey you guys!

How are you all? Pretty hot out there, huh?

 So, I suggest you sit there in front of your PC screen and read the next chapter of our story "Love Rules''! You can click on "Story" which is on "Labels" to read previous chapters. So, here it is, enjoy!


                                                           Love Rules
                                                          By Fairydew

Rule No 6#: Be Suspicious.

No, this time it doesn't have to do with Josh and his girlfriend. And I actually got over him pretty quickly. No, this time, it's actually something more serious.

Well, I was out once with Jessie and that guy came over there and asked us: 'Can I sit here?' Jessie told him yes and then that guy started flirting her. He was aksing where does she live, how old is she, if she has facebook, if she has a boyfriend and to give him her phone number. And he kept asking her to go for a walk and Jessie kept denying it.
I, the stupid girl, was finding this pretty funny, because I was thinking that he likes her. So, I left to buy some juice but I actually wanted to leave them alone. Something which I felt guilty about later.
So, then she phoned me telling me to come back and then she wanted us to leave the place. She told me that he actually said to her that he can find her number even if she won't give it to him and Jessie said it sounded like a threat.
I felt really guilty for leaving her alone, who know what he could have done to her if he's dangerous, although in the middle of the town he couldn't do anything bad.

But that guy had once tried to follow me, so what I have to say is that I was too stupid for leaving her alone and taking all this as something funny. So, my point is that you should be suspicious.


That's it!

How did you find this one?

Fairydew xxx

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