Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's your chance to shine

Who from us hate limelight ? Being famous and superstar ? Walking on the red carpet ? Live like celebrites ?
It's dream for most of us !! 


 i'm making new thing and our blog will be the 1st blog who do it !
I'm going to make new movie and i'm looking for ACTRESS !

Rules :
 1- you are follower
2- It's open for all ( writers , readers )
3- Just for GIRLS !!

What you have to do:
answer these question in the comments

* Write your stardoll name

* Describe your medoll in 3 words !


* Which of the following best describes your motivation to try acting?
( just choose one of them )

  1. Its always been a dream
  2. I wanna try something different and exciting
  3. The Spotlight of course
  4. It won't hurt to make some quick cash as extras or something
  5. I wanna take a shot and see if I have it in me
  6. I'm just wasting my and your time over the net
* if you want to be an actress in the future who would you like to look like and why ?!
( example : i wish can be like angelina jolie in the future because she is beautiful )
* Make an outfit reflex your personality and upload it in to Tinypic .
( if you don't know how to upload click here )

Last date is 1- Feb

★ Remember it's your chance to shine here ★

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