Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gossip News: Rihanna & Spider-man!

Hello wonderful readers! How are you? Ready for some gossip news? Well, as you can see our themes are Rihanna and Spider-man! :D

*** Before starting I want to remind you to join our scenery competition about music! If you haven;t already enter, simply enter now! Write your username and the URL of our scenery (print screen it and then make it like a tinypic url).
The price is 20 sds if you are a superstar and 200 starcoins if you are a non superstar ***

Rihanna in New York with Pizamas?!
They are stars, they do what they want. Lady Gaga for her walks in the New York preferred a line of maddening outfits (including tights for the... face), while Rihanna came out in the streets with a men's shirt and a pair of brown men shoes - type "I-woke-up-in-an-unknown-home-and-wore-what-I-saw-in-front-of-me"
Really weird!! Want to see her with "pizamas"? Check these photos out!
(i didn't make something to show the pics, cuz girls told me not to do this and that it was boring)
The comments are yours!

Amazing Spider-man: the new trailer!
Peter Parker returns in the cinemas in the role of Spider-man. This time the hero is Andrew Garfield ("The Social Network"), while in his side, in the role of Gwen Stacey stars Emma Stone ("Superbad", "Easy A"). The film is expected on March of 2012! But we have its trailer here already!
Check it out!

Hope you liked our Gossip News! Waiting you comments and opinions! :) And dont forget to enter the music comp if you haven't already!
Kisses, DEMI_LOVANTO_2/Christina

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