Sunday, July 15, 2012

*Don't panic, stay calm, don't show your annoyance*

Hey readers!

I'm really sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I was out all day long. So, I'm gonna write it today and as always I want to remind you that you can click on "Story" which is on "Labels" in the end of the post is order to read previous chapters.


                                                                Love Rules
                                                               By Fairydew

                  Rule No 3#: Don't panic, stay calm, don't show your annoyance.

So, I was there at the party that one of my friend did just to see Josh being with his girlfriend all night long and I was just looking at them, having that weird feeling in my stomach which actually means: " God, I wanna get out of here, I can't keep seeing this!" But no, I stayed here, chatting with my best friend Jessie.

"Jessie, look! I'm so jealous of her! Look at how her hands are wrapped up at him!", I told my friend. "Rubin, calm down and stop looking at them! Do you want to make them understand that is annoys you? You'd better go and meet a new guy!", Jessie told me.  "But I want Josh, not a new guy!", I said to her. But I knew she was right, I had to calm down and act like nothing was going wrong. Which I did, after I realised that it's not the end of the world if the boy I like has a girlfriend, so I decided to not so that I was annoyed.


You liked it? Tell me in comments!

See ya soon
Fairydew xxx

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