Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I thought I was the first....?

Very, very long time.... I'm sorry D: I don't want to explain my absence in this post because Ghandeer already knows why.

Last week I've been wearing one of the most popular style back in the 60's the "afro".. I am not that popular on stardoll so I do not get that much compliments I only get from good friends or at a party. To my surprise on Tuesday I received a friend request from a user..
(Click picture to see clearly)
Well first of all, I did not know any user called Flyymama and I did not know she was the first other users could have been wearing them before her. There's a lot of surprises when you are on stardoll.
But to think of it I'm getting a bit jealous...jk who do you think wore the 60's style better me (on the right) or flyymama (on the left)? ;D

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