Wednesday, July 11, 2012

*Love Hurts*

Ηey all (:

Pretty hot outside, isn't it? So, eat an ice-cream and read the second chapter of our story to avoid getting bored! If you missed the first one, you can click on "Story" which is on "Labels" in the end of this post.
So, here it is, the next chapter of "Love Rules".


                                               "Love rules" by Fairydew
                                                 Rule No 2#: Love hurts.

Even Avril says that in "What the hell". "Love hurts whether it's right or wrong" are her exact words. And it does hurt to me.
Firstly, I had to say I got over the 4-year-older-than-me guy. It was pointless as we don't even know each other and I'm too shy to go there and talk to him. Secondly, there's a guy from my school, Josh, that sits next to me in Chemistry.I swear, he's so cute!  But guess what, he has a girlfriend. Like ALL cute boys have. And yeah, I guess that love hurts. Okay, I don't really love him, but who knows how feelings grow. You can't really control them when it comes to this.
But it's really not fair. Every guy I like is either too old or taken or something else. And that hurts a little bit. Especially when you want to experience the "teenage dream" that Katy Perry talks about or the "Love Story" of Taylor Swift. But I guess it all will come when I don't expect it, right? But I'm Rubin, how can I don't expect it? I expect it every minute.
Oh, and how I forgot about the party tonight. One of my friends has her birthday and I hope she invited Josh, too. But not his girlfriend. Uh, Am I mean?


Liked that one?

See ya on Thursday,
Fairydew xxx

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