Thursday, July 5, 2012

Scary For Kids, A Site for You to Prank Your Friends!

Hello Ghandoora readers :)
Today I'll post about interesting sites as usual.
Have you ever been pranked by someone? And, you want to prank your friends in Halloween, but you have no idea what to do.
If you need a site for prank someone with scary stuff, you can visit
I'm not sure if it's just for kids, but check it out, it's scary...
Here's the homepage of Scary For Kids:

(Click on the image to enlarge)
In the homepage, you can choose what kind of scary things you want to try.
If you want to prank your friends, I recommend you to choose "Scary Pop Ups" or "Scary Pranks".
But you can try them all, and get ready to scream because the games, the pranks, and the videos are very...
No, not really scary for me, but everyone is different. You may be scared, or you may just think,"Oh, not scary enough for me."
In the right side of the homepage, you'll see this:
There are many scary things you can try, not just 9. There are only 9 choices appear in the homepage with the pictures.
Do you feel brave enough to visit the site and try the scary pranks?
Here's the example of the scary optical illusions. I want to show the scary games, but the browser didn't let me to copy the game.
Not too scary?
Well, let me give you a scary pop up. Try it HERE. Turn off the light in your room and follow the game instructions.
Anyway, to visit Scary For Kids click HERE
Have fun and pray before you try the games! :D
Hope you'll not have a nightmare after you tried the site.

~Scarlet_GG/Deana xx

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