Thursday, June 7, 2012

*What a week!*

Hey all!

I'm so sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was pretty busy and I wasn't home all day. So, I hope you didn't forget we have a story going on here! Today, I bring you another chapter
called *What a week!* because this chapter's last week was...well, read to find out! :P


Tuesday, 7th of June 2011

Oh God, what a week.

I've nothing else to say than that. First thing, it's summer finally, which I'm so happy about. No school, no studying but sun, ice-creams and beaches. Secondly, I saw that cute buy from the dance lesson 3 times. But I didn't go to the lesson due to the stupid piano rehearsal but it's ok. But really you should see me running after him that day and then seeing him in front of me, or when I was with my friends talking and I knew he would come [Thanks to facebook :P] but I had lost all my hopes because he wasn't there and then I saw him I got frozen. I got that weird feeling inside me, those butterflies they always say.

 Or on Saturday night when...Well, let me first say that I won't ever, EVER forget that night! I saw all of his friends on a cafe but he wasn't there. I passed by the cafe with my bff so many times that they probably got the message. Then, my other bff told me he finally was there. Dark boy, you wait till it's completely night to go out. Then, we walked by the place again and he turned and he saw me! We had an 'eye catch/contact'. But maybe his friends told him I was there for so long, walking back and forth. Because every other day I saw him this week, I was kinda following him. So the whole thing is really embarrassing. Then, we got into the cafe and then they left! Such bad luck. But he had so much fun, so it was ok. But I'm telling you, if he hasn't understood that something's going on, then he's stupid.


So, I hope you like it this time and you don't get bored :P

See ya soon
Enjoy the sun  ♥
Fairydew  xxx

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