Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hello Everybody + New Writer!

Hello all Ghandoora readers ^_^
(Like my banner? Hehe)
I'm the new writer here. My real name is Deana, but known as Scarlet_GG on Stardoll. I'm 12, born and raised in Indonesia. Proud to be Asian girl ;)
Some of my Stardoll facts:
1. I'm not a shopaholic, even I'm a SS now. I'm a free things collector, most of my outfits are free. LOL
2. I'm a Roleplayer on some clubs. That's why I like writing!
3. Scarlet_GG is my second account on Stardoll, my old account was terminated by Stardoll. Don't know why!
I will post here every Tuesday and Friday. Since this blog is not just about Stardoll, I decided to write about interesting sites (Besides of on Tuesday. And what will I write on Friday? I will write about Talented Doll of The Week.
What is that? Let me explain. If you feel there's a talent blood flow in your body, and you want everyone to know your talent, you should sign into this competition. Simply write your Stardoll name and your talent in the sign in post, then I will visit your suite and check if you're really talented or not. If I think you're a true talented doll, you will be featured in the Talented Doll of the Week post. You will also have a chance to be Scenery Winner if you have talent at making Sceneries, Covergirl if you have talent at styling Dolls, and so on.
Actually, Talented Doll of The Week will start next Friday. This time, I just want to introduce it.
Hope you like my posts, and sorry if there are some mistakes in my posts. I know I'm not perfect, but practice makes perfect, right?
That's enough for today. See you next Tuesday!

Keep smiling,
Scarlet_GG/Deana ;)

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