Sunday, June 17, 2012

Music News: Lady Gaga - Madonna

 Hello everyone! How are you? I am Christine, with music news for you today! I am so glad I found some time to write today, even though it's 11:00 p.m. here! xD 
So do you want to see the music news? Take a look below!

New video clip from Lady Gaga

On Thursday 16 of June was the first tv transmission of the new video clip of Lady GaGa for her third single, "The Edge of Glory",  at the duration of the American "So You Think You Can Dance". The same day when GaGA announced the premiere of the clip, via twitter, circulated also the news that the saxophonist who participates in the song, Clarence Clemons, suffered by a cerebral episode and he is found under intensive medical follow-up. The Mother Monster in order to wishe him passerbies made a video with little monsters - you see here!

Madonna is back at the studios

Next month, Madonna returns at the studios in order to prepare her next album.  It's learned that Madonna knows with who producers she wants collaborate even though their names were not announced. Her manager said that he wants to discuss with the people of Warner in order to circulate a line of DVDs from the material they have all these years with Madonna.

Hope you find today's news interesting! 
See you next time with gossip news! 
Kisses, Christine!

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