Sunday, June 24, 2012

Music news: Evanescence (!!!) & Clarence Clemons

Hello everyone!! I am Christine, with music news for you! You really can't believe how I am looking now! I am like :O, 0.o , :D, :DDDD, :) together for the one music new I have for you (You have to know I am MAD about EVANESCENCE) and the same time :( , :'( , :/ for the 2nd music new I have for you! 
Wanna learn why I am like that? Take a look here:

What are Evanescence preparing?

 Amy Lee and her company, that this period works intensively for their new album, in their recent interview in the Billboard declared that they hope to complete the transcription until the end of June and have the disk ready in the beginnings October. (!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!) The new disk will be the 3rd at line after the "Fallen" 2003 and the "The Open Door" 2006. Amy said that this time all the members of the group worked for this disk: "It is a collaboration between all band. Initially I had begun to write certain songs myself, but I realised that it was like preparing a solo albumso we started working again from the beginning, all together."
(forgive my madness, I am just one of the biggest fans)

Clarence Clemons died.. :/

His last blow in the age of 69 left the saxophonist of the historical E Street Band, of the group of Bruce Springsteen, Clarence Clemons. The "Big man" (his nickname) the last years faced problems of health. During his career he recorded solo albums, he was presented as actor at soapoperas while he collaborated with Grateful Dead, Ringo Starr, Roy Orbison and recently with the Lady Gaga in the "Edge of Glory".

I am so sorry about Clarence, but the same time, so excited with Evanescence (!!!)
Hope you found the news interested (as much as I did)
 Waiting for your opinion!
Kisses, Demi_Lovanto_2

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