Sunday, June 3, 2012

Biggest Competition here !!

Hello Ghandoora's readers :)
As you know every 6 months we have big event happen on our blog
last time it's was my movie and this time it's the biggest competition happened here !

As you see the competition is about designers & models
( the work will be in duet 1 models with 1 designer )
I'm going to choose 15 designers & 15 models
Every week we are going to have new task and this competition will be for 1 month


For Models & Desingers

  • You must be follower.
  • You are not allowed to withdraw from the competition after you been choice.
  • If you didn’t send to me your task in 3 days you will be out of the game.
  • You must be updated with new updates for the competition.
  • The competition will be in duet so you must be good to deal with your other partner.
  • No objection to the model or the designer that has been chosen for you.

For Desingers
  • You are NOT allowed to steal ideas from other girls on Stardoll , if you do you will be out of the game.
  • If you win in a task, you have the right to choose your model.

For Models
  • You are NOT allowed to change your skin color during the competition. 

Best Designer will win
1000 $ ( between Starollars & Starcoins )
Advertisement for 1 year on our blog for your designs
SuperStar code ( but i'm still not sure ! )
Interview on our blog
Manager for my 2 clubs

Best Model will win : 
500 $ ( between Starollars & Starcoins )
Advertisement for 1 year on our blog  

**Please choose ONE application **
** If you applied please write " i applied in the competition " in comments **

If you want to be designer in this competition apply here

If you want to be model in this competition apply here

Dead line to fill application : 14.June.2011
** I will be appreciate it if you advertise this competition on your blog **

Good luck ^^
Ghandoora The Boss

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