Saturday, June 30, 2012

Last chance to feature...HURRY!

Dear Viewers..,

This is probably your last chance to feature on the blog! If yours B'days are in July, then please comment on this post along with your Stardoll nickname and your B'day.....if you do so, I betchya guys that you'll probably have very warm B'day wishes from those who view the post, specially for you :)

Now you better act fast or we won't get our chance to wish our dear followers and you followers won't get OUR Way of SPECIAL TREATMENT on your special day...^_^

Rules to Abide:
You ought to be a follower
You need to mention your stardoll nickname
Your B'Day (IN JULY ONLY).......DUH!!

Oh and please when I contact you over stardoll and ask you to drop in an email, please do so, I really need your interview so it can feature here on your special day :)

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