Sunday, August 5, 2012

Talented Doll of The Week: Talented Fashionista

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Hello Ghandoora readers =]
Today is Friday, and as usual, I will post about Talented Doll of The Week.
This week's talented doll is Funksho8, a 16-years-old girl who has talent in fashion sense.
If you visit her Suite on Stardoll, you will be greeted by this:
Nice outfit by the way... I'm a purple lover, but I'm a James Franco fan (And Evanescence) instead of Justin Bieber fan. :D
And now, let's check out her album, where she puts her dolls and outfits.
This is the album cover. Very stylish and simple.
The first page of the album:
Good job, girl! The dolls are great and the outfits... So stylish. My favorites are number 1, 2, and 4.
Some other dolls:
The second page is adorable! The gloves and the other things match perfectly with the white dress. And the third page, I love the picture and the dress she worn <3

You just saw another talented doll on Stardoll. Her album may simple, but the dolls aren't very simple. She chooses the right outfits to make her doll look nice. And from her presentation, I know she won the 3rd place on Catwalk in the 10th of May. Because she's talented at creating outfit, I think she really deserves it! =]
To visit Funksho8's Suite and check out her stylish outfits click HERE
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~Scarlet_GG/Deana xx

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