Wednesday, August 15, 2012

F.A.Q.: How to make a good presentation without HTML

Hey Ghandooras readers!

Thanks for the lovely comments :)

The question was:

How to make a 
good presentation without HTML.

So, here is my answer:

1.) You need to have
2 windows open (of course on your

2.) In the first window you go to
and under your suite
you click 'edit presentation'.

3.) Now to the second window.
There you go to

4.) Choose a text you want.

5.) Mark it and move it to the 
window, where stardoll is opened.

5.) NOTE: Move it to the
field, where you usually
write your presentations.

6.) Finally you can edit it how you want.

Any questions? :)

Wich question do you want me
to answer next?

Ask me your question under this post!

PS: Now I am in trouble, because of a private problem.
Next week everything will be okay, and sorry
that I didn't post yesterday.

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