Sunday, August 19, 2012

I'm Back! + Photo of The Week

(Like my new banner?)
Hello all amazing Ghandoora readers =]
It's been a while since my last post here, about a week ago. I didn't post anything last week and last Tuesday because I had some problems in my Internet connection, which didn't allow me to visit blogs and other sites. But now, the problem has solved, and I'm back again!
For the new followers who don't know me, I usually write about Interesting Sites on Tuesday and Talented Doll of The Week on Friday. However, I got a new idea about what should I write in this blog. From now, instead of writing about TDTW, I will write about other topic.
The clue is in my banner.

See? There are the picture of my doll and someone holding a camera, taking a photo of my doll.
Yes, I will write about Photo of The Week every Friday.

What is that?
Photo of The Week is similar to Talented Doll of The Week. However, if in TDTW you need to fill a form and tell me your best talent (s), in PTW (Means Photo of The Week) you don't need to have a specific talent at photography and you don't have to fill a form.
How it works?
Every week, I will choose a different photo theme. All you have to do is take a photo in your Suite with the theme I gave, print screen the photo and post it on Tinypic, Imgur or other image hosting websites, then give me the link on comments, just like if you submit your entry in a competition. Don't forget to include your Stardoll name so I can identify which photo is yours.
The entries will be showed in the next week's post, and I will choose one entry which I think is the best photo.

 Photo of The Week starts this Friday.
You can submit your photo...

And this week, the theme is...

(Clue: Dresses, tiaras, castle)
You don't need to follow the clue, the clue is just for helping you getting some ideas. If you have any other ideas, feel free to use your own.
Post the image link on comments with your Stardoll name.
Remember, the deadline is next Thursday.
P.S: You can also add effects to your photo! You can just take a photo of your princessy decoration in your Suite, or your doll photo with your Suite as the background.

Have fun with your camera!
~Scarlet_GG/Deana xx

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