Sunday, June 24, 2012

Talented Doll of The Week SIGN UP HERE!

Hello again Ghandoora readers :)
It's Friday, Friday (Like Rebecca Black said in her song Friday. LOL)
If it's Friday, it's time to run Talented Doll of The Week!
What is that?
If you read my first post in this blog, you may know. Talented Doll of The Week isn't a competition, you don't need to do a task or some tasks to win. If you feel talented, but nobody has discovered it (Or only a few people have discovered it) you should sign up here, for a chance to be featured. It's like, if you have talent at making Sceneries, you'll be featured here and I'll show your sceneries. People will visit your Suite and check out your Sceneries, and maybe vote them 5/5. Then, you'll be popular and you'll have a chance to be Scenery Winner.
To sign up, please fill this form and post it on comment.

Stardoll name:
Why you want to be featured:

You can have more than one talent.
The lucky person who get featured will be announced next Friday, so you have more time to improve your talent!

See you next Tuesday with a different topic,
interesting sites!

Scarlet_GG/Deana xx

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