Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It has ended!

Sad to say the competition is finished :( but I have found a winner!

It was really hard to choose because all of you are so talented! I mean I hate you guys for being so talented! It made my job harder!

But as you know everyone gets a prize.

Now in 5th place:

Your outfit was great but you didn't exactly change her make-up that much. This round was all about changing the medoll in your own way. But don't let that put you down. You have great talent! Don't give up! I will have loads more comps! You win 25sd so put something up for 25sd (you will get I think 23sd)

In 4th place:

Knowing you I know you can achieve more! I mean you got this far! You are very talented it's just that your outfit and make-up didn't stand out from the crowd. Great effort though! and keep participating in comps! You win 25sd. Put something up for 25sd (you will get I think 23sd)

In 3rd place:

You did a great job! Your outfit was great! But I know that you could do better. You are a talented girl don't let this put you down! Since you are non-superstar you will get 50sd worth of ss gifts send me a list of the stuff you want through message.

In 2nd place:

I loved your outfit! It looked sweet and cute! The outfit and the make-up go sooooo well together! Great job! I will reserve LE for you! Make your selection and tell me which one you want! and put something up for 50sd and reserve it for me! (you get 45sd)

That means 1st place goes to:

I love love love your outfit! You changed her looks to match your style and that is why you won! It had a certain mimi..1994 to it but it still looked like the doll you were making over. Keep doing what your doing! Put something up for 100sd in starbazaar (that means you get 90sd)
And your selection of LE one accessory and one clothing item:

So that is the end of the comp. Sadly, everybody has to get their prizes by Wednesday!

xxxxx itr15/Rosie

P.S. New comp Tomorrow!

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