Wednesday, August 8, 2012

(amazing) Music News + Results

Our Music News are here today again!!! With a new banner only for music News ;) Normally, I would post about Gossip News today. But I am leaving tomorrow, so I should announce the winner of the scenery competition (plus that I found the most amazing Music News for today ;D)

So see the results of the poll:

As everyone can see, number one won the competition. Number one scenery's creator was..

Fatima135! :D


I am really sorry but the price will be given at the end of August, when I return from holidays. Hope it's okay.

So now we are going to the Music News... I'll leave the wonderful, magnificent, fantastic, esciting new for the end ;)

Video: Enrique Iglesias : Ayer
Premiere made this week the new video clip of Enrique Iglesias for the song "Ayer" that is included in bilingual album  "Euphoria". The video clip is already on youtube. 

So you are able to see it below:

And now.... (drums)
After 4 years of absence from the discography, Evanescence prepare their new album and they reveal a small extract from their first single "What You Want", a song that speaks "for freedom", as the frontwoman of the group, Amy Lee said. Recently the singer revealed that she needed 18 entire months of abstention from the band until "she falls in love with the group again from the beginning". 

Listen below one small teaser from the "What You Want"!
(I have heard it over 20 times today!! You know, I am one of the biggest fans!!)
(sorry for the huge excitement!! I am a little bit mad with them!)

So I hope you liked our Music News today, as much as I did!
Kisses to everyone!
Love you, Christine / Demi_Lovanto_2 :)

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