Wednesday, August 8, 2012

YOUR question here! + Sell jewelry & Make-Up?

Hey to y'all! 

First I have to say: Sorry for the late post!

I was travelling, so I didn't have w-lan.

Anyway,here is the 

"Ask your question post"!

Write your question to the comments, I'll answer to it sunday!


I have decided to tell you my first secret about stardoll:

They are working on the "Beautyparlor Bazaar"! (Well, this won't be the name, but I think that you know what I mean ;})

They said to me that we'll be able to sell our jewelry and make-up!

(Sorry, I don't know when that will be)

My friend and me were very angry about this issue, because we're waiting 2 years

now... I hope they'll finish it soon! ;)

Oh, and remember again:

You can ask me here under this this post every question you want to!

No question is too stupid!

PS: I didn't release a poll, because I want to know

more about your questions first :)

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