Thursday, August 2, 2012

*Don't overdo it*

Hey Guyz!

I'm really sorry that I didn't post yesterday, sorry to you and Ghandeer but I couldn't. Anyways, today I'll present you the new chapter of our story "Love Rules", called "Don't overdo it". To read previous chapters, you can click on "Story" which is on "Labels in the end of the post.


                                                              Love Rules
                                                             By Fairydew

Rule No 7#: Don't overdo it.

So I was just thinking that this is too much, you know. I mean, yeah I like that boy called Rian enough, but everytime I'm out and see him, I immediately grab my friend and kind of follow him. I'ts because I don't know him and I'd like to know more about him so when I see him I really lose control.

But I decided that if I can't go there and talk to him [due to my shyness] then, I won't 'follow' him again. And you know what? I think he already knows I like him, so yes I overdid it.

But I won't  do it again, I guess. Jessie agrees that it was like too much what I did. Well, to be honest I wasn't really following him but if he was in the same place with me, I would probably pass by him and his friends.

But this is over now. And my advice, Rubin's advice is to not overdo it. Not because it's something bad, but because your crush might get that you like him. Well, if you want him to know it, then yes you can overdo it.

Like? Comments! ♥

See ya,
Fairydew xxx

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