Friday, August 24, 2012

New Competition

Hello again readers it's itr15!

A new competition is here! The prizes you may ask?

 1 piece of LE. 
(I will choose the piece for you to win.)
and 10sd

This is a smaller comp but it will still be in 3 parts that way I will choose the most deserving person.

15 people will go onto round 2 and 10 people will go on to round 3 and then the winner will be chosen.
This time I'm sorry but there will be no prizes for 2nd or 3rd place just 1st place.

Oh and did I mention: The readers will choose the winner!
No asking for votes or you will not be able to enter any of my comps again. Also Each person is only allowed to vote once in a day.

Round 1:
Make an outfit with the new pretty 'n' love hotbuy leggings. 
You can't completely cover the hotbuy.

Closing date: 26th August 
Sorry for the short amount of time also atleast 15 people have to enter. If 15 people don't enter. I will extend the date. The updates will be in bold at the top.

xxxxx Rosie/Itr15

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