Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Looking for Co-Owner

Hello Guys !

I don't know why this thing is always follow me !

On " ☆ Ghandoora The Boss ☆ " we have over 20 writers but as you see most of them don't write .. i don't know why ! i don't know why you want to be writer then leaving stardoll for 2 months then back telling me that " i have started new blog .. so i don't have enough time to write anymore " .. DUHH x_x 

what i see that the girls at then beginning die to be writer then after she get famous she leave , which makes me really annoy because of this !

I'm looking for Co-Owner can do everything and handle the pressure of hard work


1. You are public follower for us 

2. You are active here by ( commenting , joining competitions .. etc )

3. You are on stardoll every time.

If you want to be our new Co-Owner .. comment by telling me your : 

Stardoll Name :

Age :

Why you want to be our Co-Owner ? :

How many hours do you spend on stardoll ? :

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