Friday, June 22, 2012

My 18th birthday

LEGAL MAJORITY, yesterday was my big day, I know I have not posted a blog post in so long but I have been enjoying my birthday weekend which has just come to an end. The time had flies so fast; I am finally 18 years old. What a big step in the adulthood! Even if it seems a bit scary at first but I must admit that I am highly excited and don't know why but I’m feeling my bones filled with the fresh air of freedom (how poetic)! But also unhappy as I'm getting older!!
The best part of birthdays? Of course the party which include (the gifts, the greeting card, the flowers and the balloons), but this only happen with someone who have best friends, but God gives me wonderful family I celebrated with them. Yesterday was really unforgettable day, I had so much fun to read your greetings whether on Facebook, Stardoll, Twitter or even on mobile phone!
I would like to thank you guys, especially my friends on stardoll, all of you are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. You made my day and you made me smile all the day.



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