Wednesday, June 20, 2012

*He talked to me!*

Hey all!

How are you doing? Hope you're good! It's pretty hot out there and we have a story going on here. If you've missed any part, click on "Story" in the end of the post in "Labels". Here's the next chapter of our weekly story and I hope you like it:


Monday, 20th of June 2011

I so like him. Yeah, that boy from the dance lesson that I've been always talking about him. And guess what? He talked to me! I coulnd't believe it. Here's what happened: I was waiting for my friends while I was out and I couldn't find them. I searched everywhere but then I thought: 'Oh well, I'll sit in this bench and they will come'', because they had said that they might go to the funfair. So I was sitting there and I had to go in a while because I had the final dance rehearsal for the performance. Then, I saw him. I wasn't pretty sure if it was him, but then he came closer and he said: ''Hey". OMG, it was the best "Hey" ever said. I was frozen, I was like: " My God, he talked to me!!" "We have dance rehearsal at the primary school'', he said. "Yeah, I know. 8:30?" I replied. "No, 8:00", he corrected me. Then, I was like: "Ohh" and he left. But I thought I should thank him so I said: "Thank you." and he shook me his coffee or whatever  that was probably to show he heard me.
But in the rehearsal and performance those girls were always following him. But it's ok because HE talked to ME. Although I might won't see him again as the lessons are  over. D@mn!


You like that one??

See ya ♥

Fairydew xxxx

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